Monday, February 28, 2011

Face Punch...

Been awhile since I have been on here!

Ever had one of those days where you just wanted to punch someone in the face? Well normally I don't, but today I was primed and ready to bash a nice little old lady's face in. I know it sounds just dreadful, I'm really not proud about how I dealt with my feelings today but sometimes they just have to run their course. I am technically considered a stay at home mom however, I still do work from home and I take that role very seriously as it effects our quality of life and our future. My absence from the office is defiantly felt each time we have a work function and I know fewer people, I don't know any of the gossip, and I don't have to pretend to care as much about all the day to day office politics. I get that since I'm not there on a regular basis it might be easy to forget all the things I used to do around there, especially when it comes to the administrative stuff that effects more people then just our immediate business. For example we (the executive assistants) are on a rotation to coordinate the financial presentations that run in our office every week amd every second Saturday. These presentations are critical to our business and when it's your turn to run the dog and pony show you best be doing a good job. Needless to say I take pride in my work, and have for the last seven years that I have been running these presentations for. There was a time and place where there wasn't a rotation it was me, myself and I coordinating it all week in and week out. It was nice that other people started to help out, it sure made it easy to transition out of that role and stepping back and being a mom.

What happened to me today was probably a combination of a few things, for the record I have to say that Mitch and I for the first time were going to pay someone from our office to help me facilitate running the show as my mom is gone for a month to South America and with her being gone so is our babysitter. I simply couldn't be there to do part of the job, and so we were going to pay one of the little old ladies that has been helping out with these type of duties. Our arrangement was going to be different then what she was used to, I was going to do all the scheduling, e-mailing, organizing ext and provide her with all the sheets, calenders, lists required. She just was going to be there in person for me where I simply couldn't be. I had told her that I already had all the schedules done for the month (March) and we would be touching base by Wednesday. She wrote me an e-mail back spouting out office propaganda verbatim from a guy I like to fondly call Captain Asshole regarding not being able to do that, as certain duties were only to be given to certain people that are "leaders" in the company. Mitch and I had already discussed this months ago, so I was aware of who could be on there in the first place, but the way that the e-mail was written (from a lady that I had shown the ropes) made my blood boil. I was seething with anger... I'm not proud and I'm glad that I didn't write this earlier because there would have been a lot more swears and the like. Bottom line is I'm very territorial about what I do and I really don't like being told on how to do it. Needless to say there was no little old ladies hurt today, but I'm glad that I didn't have to speak to her in person as I really didn't realize that I would react the way that I did today. Ladies and gentlemen this is not my first rodeo, please just step back and let me do my job...


1 comment:

Tammy said...

Some days you just want to pow..right in the kisser~! I can't tell you the number of times I have written a nasty gram and then deleted it. Then the next day when I calmed down I re-write my PFO email in a more professional

It's a test of patience for sure.