Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm still kicking...

Whoa almost forgot how to log on here... been a few moons since I had the ambition to sit here and think about something intelligent to say! Well I guess I can start off by saying that since the world didn't end this weekend then we all might as well get on with things... aaahh those religious nuts always crack me up, don't get me wrong I like my purple koolaid every now and then too, but when nothing happens and everything goes back to normal, makes me wonder what would make anyone get behind something like that in the first place. Don't they all know that we are probably going to blow everything up on or own one day?

Just about done winding down "birthday season" here at the Carr house, man I can't wait until May is over and we don't have to hit up at least 2 birthday parties a weekend. That and being sick for 3 weeks really killed my ambition to really get out there during the week and get stuff done. I have a few things I want to get done this summer and with it probably being almost over (just kidding it better not be....) I better start enjoying the snow free weather a bit more. This year it's going to be fun with Hailey, she is ready for so many new things this year that we weren't able to enjoy last year. I swear if I could have chosen to have a 2 year old over a new born I probably would have signed up for that option, who knew babies weren't my thing?! Probably has something to do with my insane control issues, but with the freedom of skipping a nap, allowing her to explore a little further and trusting her to listen to instructions (well as well as a 2 year old can) we have a fun summer lined up with lots of exciting adventures.

Starting to plan my 30th birthday party! while all my friends went through some kind of "freak out" or starting the beginning process of their freak out I'm really just worried on who is going to make it out to get drunk with me! Honestly, I just think about all the great things I have going on for me right now and aside from a few small things I really wouldn't change very much. I guess that happens when you are happy, you don't really cling on to the past. I'm just so out of "get shitfaced" mode that I don't know where to go for a good time anymore, so I better start asking around to the few friends I have left that haven't entered "mommy-daddy mode".

Well I don't want to over do it on my first crack back at blogging, it might cause me to take another 3 months off!


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