Saturday, January 22, 2011

been a while

Wow it's been a few day's since I have been in here to write something, guess it's because I don't really have much to talk about! It's been snowing here like crazy over the last few days so needless to say I haven't had any ambition to venture very far from home.

Tonight we are having a work shindig here at our place, I think we are going to have a full house as the last time we did a head count there was going to be about 25 people here. Hailey is going to sleep over at grandma's house so I can relax and enjoy myself and not worry about the noise level (one of the drawbacks to our house is that Hailey's room is on the main floor where the party is going to be happening). I'm a little anxious for this party as I have been absent from the office since August and there is a bunch of new people working for Mitch that I haven't met yet. One couple for instance, are expecting a baby and there is a chance that there is going to be some major complications. They found out the sex of the baby yesterday, and they are going to be having a girl, and next week they will find out the results of the genetic tests. I just have been sick thinking about these people and tonight I'm going to be meeting them. I can't imagine getting that much information about my baby before the dr's recommends if you should continue with the pregnancy or not... I guess that is why Mitch and I didn't opt for all the tests that they can run when you are expecting, I would never want to be put in a position to have to choose. However I have seen the devastation of continuing a pregnancy to full term knowing that the baby will not survive when it is born and that is just as tragic to watch. A girl we worked with had a baby a few weeks after Hailey was born and her daughter was born with a brain/heart and lung problem, something that would occur again with the combination of her and her boyfriends genes. Mackayla only lived for 3 days, and they knew from about 25 weeks into her pregnancy that the baby wouldn't survive. It was very hard to see and it made me feel a lot of guilt having an absolutely perfect baby to have an hold.

Well I really should stop procrastinating and get on cleaning the bathrooms, getting the food ready, washing the floor.... you get the idea.


1 comment:

Tammy said...

Have a great party, I am sure it will be great.