Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bring on the Shit show

I figure that this will probably be the last time that I will have a second to blog for the next few days, so I just wanted to take a second and wish everyone reading this a Merry Christmas and all that jazz. The gas tank is on full and we are ready to hit the holidays hard in the Carr house this year. Mitch of coarse is working on his gifts today but other then that I think we are totally ready. If I can survive tomorrow then it will be smooth sailing for the rest of the days. Now it's time to pig out, be with friends and family (some wanted some not...) and relax a little. Happy whatever the heck you celebrate, please be safe.



Chad said...

LOL Christmas :)

Tammy said...

Your blog post made me laugh. are for sure Chad's sister : ) Look forward to seeing you guys Xmas eve.