Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Slightly out of control

Ever have one of those days where a little of everything goes wrong? Well that's today, and to top it all off I think I pulled something in my back so I'm going around here trying to fix all the problems looking like the hunchback... Ack I don't know how some mommies out there live their lives in an unorganized mess, things do seem to have a way of working out in the end though.

I'm just trying to hold on until 7 tonight when I get to get out for a bit and meet my friends new baby! Man do I love to snuggle them and send them back :) I just have to clean off all the brand new clothes I bought this morning that got covered in a nasty melted mess from H's boots.... *sigh* just part of my horrible morning, of coarse everything I bought for us is super clean..... and I booked a babysitter for tonight and Mitch is going to be home, oh well at least I can get out of here for a few precious moments!

Oh well I think it's time to throw on a movie, make some tea and play some ponies. That always makes everything all better just ask my 2 year old.


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