Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Magic Beans

So for the past few months Mitch and I have been on a crazy low-carb no sugar diet. We both really like it and it has really worked for us. Our "goal" was to feel good on vacay to Vegas, and now that we are back is the true test to see if we can stick to the program. We did indulge in Vegas so transitioning back into a healthier lifestyle is hard, but ultimately I know we will get back on track, but we also have agreed to be a little more flexible then the Atkins program allows for. That being said I'm all for doing what works for you when it comes to weight loss. Everyone is different, and tempted by different delicious foods so if you have tried Jenny, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Nutirisystem, Simply Suppers, Atkins ext and you are rockin' it, high five, weight loss sucks but you are doing something about it instead of just complaining.

But the point of my blog today is something out there, something that I especially loathe, and it just keeps popping up. It's called Body By Vi. If you have had the luxury of staying completely oblivious to this weight loss system I'm sorry I'm going to be introducing you to this pathetic excuse of a weight loss/health management company. Let me start at the beginning, being involved in our financial company we are exposed to a number of "other business opportunities" most being get rich quick scams and the like. Our company is extremely diligent on what agents are allowed to be involved with outside businesses with WFG, essentially stating that you are NOT allowed to be involved with any other companies and any other at home business is forbidden. Which is good, I think it cheapens what anyone does if they flip open their wallet and 10 different business cards fall out, not to mention I'm pretty sure you don't want to get your financial advice from the same guy you buy your shampoo from. But where all of this started is one guy out east started to sell Body By Vi (BBV) on the side, and it wasn't because he needed the money either because the guy was pulling in over 200K a year with WFG. Head office found out and he was canned immediately. In no time flat he started to "recruit" with in our company and getting a lot more people in trouble, bringing a lot of other people down with him. That's not totally why I have a hate on for BBV, but it was a good start to get me to start tuning in to what was going on. I casually clicked on the website curious to see what everyone had their panties in a bunch about, and I was totally pissed to find out that they were selling vitamins and protien shakes at $250 a month to people desperate to make a change. Ouch! seriously? all the people that I did know that left our company to go sell shakes were very fit, good looking, outgoing people. So what did they know about losing weight and battling the bulge in the first place... nothing. It just made me want to Hulk smash everything in sight. Mitch and I often would comment that we were doing our own "90 day challenge" and it was free! just included busting your ass and being on a diet. Needless to say people didn't like us saying that, which also added to the hate on.

I did however let it go, but a funny thing happened today that made me just shake my head, I logged into facebook today to see that a "friend", old buddy of yours Chad (Clay), was 15 days into his very own 90 day BBV challenge. He had claimed that he had lost 10 pounds and was feeling great. Super happy for him, and I told him that. He promptly messaged me back to try and recruit me to the business as "it's going to be huge". I politely wrote him back that it's a conflict of interests to be involved with BBV and that I wish him continued success. Which was all fine, because that is totally up to Clay and his wife if that's what they are going to do. But what pissed me off was that after Clay and I had our conversation a bunch of old WFG'ers all of a sudden requested me as "friends". WTF? seriously?? I wasn't cool enough when you were working with me everyday to befriend, I certainly am not going to let you troll my real friends and let you try to sell your crap to people I care about. So I guess buyer beware, there isn't any magic beans to help you shed those unwanted pounds, because if there was I'm pretty sure I would know about it and tell everyone.


1 comment:

Chad said...

The reason so many people are attracted to the magic beans (and not just for weight loss) is that they really want the results of something but don't want to put in any effort.

I could stand to loose a bit of weight myself but I have no illusions that achieving that will take a change of diet and some goddamned exercise!