Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Potty Dance

Well there was a small celebration here at the Carr house tonight! After a trying day of Hailey running around with no pants we finally had a small success in the right direction! There was pee-pee on the potty jubilation! I'm not going to say we are in the clear by far, but I think the mental switch for mommy was finding out that Smarties weren't enticing enough for her to actually do the deed. I had an epiphany yesterday, my sister Lana and her daughter Carleigh were here for a visit yesterday and Lana had an extensive conversation with H about using the potty. I knew that she had all the physical concepts down, like what the potty was, what it was for, and what she would get if she used it. But to hear it from her own mouth I knew that she was probably more ready then I had realized. Today I put on a brave face, armed with Folex and a wet cloth we waited, and constantly asked if she needed to go. With no accidents before naptime, I decided to give it a second go after dinner. Unfortunately we had two accidents tonight but one big success (none of them poop... which I know will happen but we escaped the deuce today and believe you me that we will have our carpets cleaned when we are done!). I'll take it, because I now know that to get Hailey to go on the potty you just have to use a better bribe. Merry-Go-Rounds.... if nothing else our trip to the Calgary Zoo showed us that H does have a weakness, and when Smarties and stickers don't cut it we now have the big guns to bring out. Well I know that I won't be leaving the house for a few days, but it will be soooooo worth it when the ass-wiping stage is over! Yippee!!!! Lesson learned, here comes the Dr. Phil moment, you just have to figure out your child's currency to see results. I think the only challenge that we will have to face tonight is a very excited toddler who might not go to bed (the late night Smarties and the promise of working on more potty= merry-go-round) but in the long run it is worth it ;)


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