Sunday, August 28, 2011

Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner....

Well maybe except my baby, being that Hailey would rather play for hours with dinosaurs, plastic frogs/lizards/snakes or any type of animal over a baby doll.

I had a friendly chat with another mommy on Friday at our friends BBQ party about this exact topic. We decided to go sans kiddo, even though the hosts have a kid. The last few parties haven't exactly been very child friendly, but appears they now have a few more friends with children and their house is less of a death trap. Funny thing actually happened, I had actually met a mom and little girl that were at the party in my mommy day to day. My first year with Hailey I must have tried every single mommy-baby program out there, and after a bit of chit-chat we finally figured out where we had crossed paths, that being baby salsa. The point of this is her little one came with her baby, and she had about three more to pick from in the reserve bag, and her mom said that they had so many at home she couldn't even wager a guess. I on the other hand know that we in fact have three. One went to grandma Hanna's house, one ran out of battery power so she got sentenced to the basement, and I just bagged up the last of the babies in my last purge of toys that are taking up too much valuable real estate. I'm not saying that this is a problem, by no means do I have any issue with H deciding that playing with dolls are lame at the moment, but I just think that it's interesting. I know that a lot of parents go the extra mile to make sure that their homes are "gender neutral" and go ape shit to try and make sure that they aren't "gender stereotyping" their kids at a really impressionable age. Maybe tomorrow will be different as H has an attention span of a goldfish but for now it's really kind of interesting to see what she prefers to play with on her own. I love that in one day we can go from painting her nails, putting on her princess dress (plus a tutu) all while having a tea party serving our special guest of honor...frogs and dinosaurs. I guess my point of tonight's blog is that if you spend all your time worrying about how your kids are going to turn out, you are going to miss out on some pretty kick ass tea parties and lizard parties (oh yeah we had one of those today!). I'm thinking that when Hailey is out doing god knows what when she is older, the fact that she didn't haul a baby doll around everywhere might actually make me feel better....


1 comment:

Tammy said...

It's funny since I can remember I never liked playing with baby dolls, hated clowns and monkeys kind of creeped me out too. I still don't care much for monkeys, hate clowns and never had kids.
