Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Whew what an exhausting weekend! It was a busy one here at the Carr house and I for one am really glad that it's over :) Birthday dinners, mom group Halloween party, 4 house guests, pumpkin carving, and Trick or Treating just about sums up the last few days for me. I spent almost the entire week last week baking cupcakes, and decorating them, putting up decorations, cleaning, and then more cleaning trying to get ready for my party. Just when I thought that I had it all under control I got slammed with a houseful of people last minute, thank Jeebus that I had for some reason had the foresight to wash all the blankets and towels. But I have to say seeing all the little monsters from my mom's group was just awesome, as it had been almost 6 months since I have seen some of the kids and moms last, it was sure nice to catch up. Even though some of them don't want to go to the trouble to plan and or host our get togethers we always have a good time when it finally comes together, it's just too bad it always seems to be the same mommies that put in the effort to keep the group meeting once in a blue moon. It appears that there will be a second baby boom with the moms too, as 3 of the ladies are going to be expecting their second bundle of joy next year. Mitch and I have really started to be given the gears as of late to when we will be starting to expand the family, it seems to be coming from everyone... which is really starting to bug be a bit as everyone and their dog seems to have an opinion on whether we should have another or not. Bottom line, we are not ready to start trying and we are not sure if we will have another one. I will be turning 30 next year and I don't feel the need to be a baby factory right now, as far as I see it there is still a lot of time to decide whether we have more or not. Ah well the party was a success, two days later I'm still finding food all over the house but that's a given when you have 10 toddling toddlers with sticky fingers running all over the place. Hailey's second Halloween was a definite success as she only took her costume off for her nap, went to visit a few people and then hit the streets with her little treat bucket with a vengeance. The really spooky houses were a bit much for her, which ultimately ended her night but, mom and dad were sure proud of our little bumble bee last night. I might have been out of the Trick-or-Treating game a little too long to totally understand that the rules have changed, as I noticed a few things last night. #1 parents drive while watching their kids walk up and down the streets. Really? don't you think that especially last night when the weather was just beautiful that you could possibly walk with your kids door to door? #2 all the kids ring the doorbell. What ever happened to screaming your lungs out for candy? #3 the mall is the place to go for candy. Apparently Southgate was a complete disaster yesterday, my mother in law (who was one of our house guests this weekend) said the mall was worse then shopping at Christmas. #4 you don't actually have to be wearing a costume to get candy, and you can apparently go until you are about 25 (well maybe the kid wasn't 25 but he was getting to be a bit old to be out there) Well I sure hope everyone had a Happy Halloween, we jacked up about 100 kids on candy last night before we shut the doors. I'm sure next year will be even more fun!


1 comment:

Tammy said...

I am totally stealing your cupcake idea..those look awesome! The bee girl looks pretty happy with her phat loot : )

I noticed a lot of door knockers too. We had about 50 kids which made me happy, but the later it got the older the kids and the less costumed. I even had a young adult man come and ask for food for the food bank. I had a cool pumpkin lit up, and I wish more people would get in the spirit for the kids. I don't even have kids and I like to make it fun.

When it comes to having kids, you gotta do what is right for you and your family. Everyone is different and the beauty is we all can choose. It sounds like you had a good day with your moms group!