Sunday, October 17, 2010

Election Day

If you are in the city of Edmonton and surrounding areas you should be well aware that there is an election tomorrow. It's been tough for me to follow the campaigns this year as we never have anything besides Tree House on during prime time tv hours and I almost never watch the news anymore. I just finished checking out what is available on the Internet for all the candidates running for both Mayor and our Ward. I think I know who I will be voting for tomorrow, it's not a huge surprise as there isn't really any competition for the incumbent in our area.

I have always been a total geek when it comes to going to vote, I just don't think that you are entitled to bitch about the way things are being run if you didn't have a say on who is driving the ship. It totally blows me away on the voter apathy in our community and our country, I guess if you don't live in a country where you don't have the right to have a say you don't really know the importance of making a choice and standing behind it. The people at my last job really thought I was nuts when I would bring the paper in everyday, leave it out and talk about the up coming elections. Yeah I know it's a little psycho, but hey you are entitled to take time off work to go and vote so I was really bossy about it. I don't think that Mitch was much of a voter before I came on the scene, but I think he's better off for it :) I think that my terrible Grade 12 social studies teacher Mr.Montgomery would be proud, well if he is even alive as the last I had heard he was undergoing some kind of study for morbidly obese people with sleep apnea... oh yeah it was super awesome to watch him sweat like crazy when all he was doing was talking to us during class. Well I guess whatever he said sunk in somewhere and I'm a avid voter.

So I hope that you are seriously thinking about going out of your way and making your voice heard by choosing who you would like to be running this joint. Poles are open from 9-8pm.


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