Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

So yesterday was my hubby and I'm fifth wedding anniversary, and it's amazing thinking back over the last 5 years and not really feeling like that much time has already passed. I'm not really the sentimental type that puts a lot of value in having to make a big deal of something like a 5 year anniversary, but yesterday was exactly what I needed. Mitch stayed home from work and we spent the whole day together as a family, and as family day's go here in the Carr house they are very precious to me, as Mitch spends a lot of time away working.

Today we are having my family over for dinner, and by "my family" I mean my mom, my big bro and girl friend, and little brother. It's been awhile since we were all together, but that's the thing with my family even though we don't see a whole lot of each other it seems to suit us all fine. I know that my mom would probably like to get together with us all a little more, and maybe one day we will get better at making that happen. Mitch and I are going to try to make some traditional German food, we are pretty set to go right now (it's 2 O'clock and we have been prepping since 9) I can see why we don't do this unless it's a holiday! Well I don't have a ton of time right now, so I'm going to go finish getting things all set for tonight, but I thought I would make a quick entry as I'm not sure if I will do anything tomorrow with it being the holiday and all!


1 comment:

Tammy said...

That was an excellent German meal I must say! Thanks for having us, and I didn't realize it was your Anniversary!