Thursday, September 2, 2010

Not gonna lie Blogging is a little intimadating...

Over the last few weeks I have been following a few blogs and thought I might try my hand at it. I'm not going to lie I'm really quite intimated by the possibility of somebody actually reading it, while wondering at the same time if I will even have anything interesting to write about.

From what I have gathered from some of the blogs that I follow that it's a little uncool to talk about your day... Crap... being a stay at home mom who has Tree House on non-stop keeps me pretty deprived from what is happening in the real world, so that leaves out the smart witty blog posts about "What the hell is happening in the world today". Ok, then I have the opportunity to blog about all the interesting hobbies and interests I have... Crap... over the last year and a bit of hanging out with baby H, I don't have even the tiniest bit of "self" left to talk about. A little sad isn't it? one might have to say I need to get out a little more, but honestly I do OK in that department, I just do all the G-rated, kid friendly, try to make your child smart activities. Sooo that just leaves me with what goes on here day to day and I guess that's just going to be what the bulk of my blogging is going to be about. If you don't have kids maybe you will be a little bored with the day to day life of a regular mom that has the opportunity to say at home with her growing munchkin, but that's my life and I love my life.

Well it's off to figure out what to make the kidlet for lunch today, hummmm how many day's of PB & J will baby H tolerate? Lol! well I'm not going to push it as that's my standard "out the door, we have somewhere to be in 15 mins" lunch and today I have time to make something a little more gourmet.


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